Wow! I'm impressed - I love how how you use the color on the black & white photos.
The Missus
JoinedPosts by The Missus
Some of my favorite photos
by LouBelle ini'm busy doing up my photo wall at home.
went through some pics that i've taken over the years and have played around with some.
here is just a taste of what my wall will look like.. .
Making the load "lighter"
by Lady Lee inin words it is one thing.
in practice it is quite different.. so in what ways has the wts made the load "lighter"?.
well the new book study arrangement is the newest one but there have been so many more.
The Missus
I don't see though how discontination of the book study makes the load lighter. They still expect you to have a family study that night and to not necessarily limit it to an hour. They are just transfering loads. Although the load will be lighter for the smart ones that can see through the crap. They'll just count it as a free night
What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you at a meeting?
by IHaveADream inmine was the time i had my twin grandsons with me and i was sitting in the overflow room.
they both needed to go potty at the same time.
so i tried to pick both of them up.
The Missus
One Saturday morning for the service group, our DO was visiting and it was his habit to have the day text read and then he would ask questions and instead of only calling on people who had their hand raised, he would just pick someone to answer (I didn't know at the time that he did this) . He picked me, I was completely zoned, didn't even know what the text was about and had to ask him to repeat the question and then stammer through the response with some sort of generic JW speak answer
Things That Were "Confusing" To You as A JW
by minimus inwhat never seemed logical to you??.
anything that seemed confusing to you???
The Missus
How we would NEVER read literature from a different religion but we expect them to read ours
Things That Were "Confusing" To You as A JW
by minimus inwhat never seemed logical to you??.
anything that seemed confusing to you???
The Missus
The difference between birthday and anniversary celebrations
How often do you go to the meetings at the KH this year?
by asilentone inthe only meeting that i went is the memorial this year.
The Missus
once - memorial. But I only do it because I know it makes my dad happy. But I am wondering how much longer I can put up this charade . . . even once a year at the kingdom hall is unbearable.
Things That Irritated You When You Were A JW
by minimus inthere were some witnesses that loved taking notes for every meeting.
whatever you would say, the note takers were busy as a bee writing down every word.
especially if you went out of town to give a talk, certain ones (only sisters) would take their note taking very very seriously.. another thing that used to get to me was when you'd see the same people every assembly on the platform giving a talk or being in a part.
The Missus
I wish there was some way to verify those watchtower/yearbook stories to see if they really happened. They all sound like something a grandparent would say that we'd know was about 5% truth and 95% fabrication . . . "I had to walk 10 miles to school uphill both ways in snow up to my armpits" . . . yada yada yada
Flipper is 49 and holding (Oct 15)
by caliber inhappy birthday coming (15th ) to a wonderful upbeat "supportive " guy !
"mr. encouragement" to the max !.
The Missus
Have a Happy 50th Mr. Flipper - btw, I love your helpful posts!
As Dwight Schrute would say, "I am older, I am wiser - do not mess with me"
The Missus
Nov 15 WT - stumbled over a teaching? There's no where else to go!!!
by truthseeker ini just read the nov 15, wt - what a laugh.. so they admit some leave over their teachings and then they say there's no where else to go.
what a joke - they are liars.. .
was it a problem with a teaching?.
The Missus
Some may have left God's flock because they did not agree with some
Scripturalpublishing company's teaching.There! I'll agree to that statement
Secret Santa 2008 - sign up!!!
by Angharad inas promised !.
for those that are new since last year we have done this for the last few years, what it involves is that those who want to join in will post to this thread and then pm me their name and address.
i will then collate the names and addresses and assign everyone a person to buy a gift for.
The Missus
This will be my first year - sounds like fun!!